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LSL               Load Segment Limit (286/386)       Flags: O D I T S Z A P C
LSL destination register, source

           Logic:        destination register . segment limit of source
                         if segment limits transferred ZF . 1
                         else ZF . 0

     LSL loads the segment limit of a selector (source) into a register.
     You must give it a source (register or memory) containing a valid
     selector. The destination register receives the segment limits if the
     selector is visible at the current privilege level.

     The value placed in the destination register is the offset of the last
     addressable byte in the segment.

   Operands                   Clocks   Transfers  Bytes  Example
   LSL  register, register    14 (286)    2         3    LSL AX,CX
   LSL  register, memory      16 (286)    2         5    LSL AX,SELECTOR

        Note:          All operands can be 32 bits long in the 386. This
                       instruction only works in protected mode.

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